Apple and the injured parties have reached an agreement, according to a senior public security official who did not elaborate on the nature of that agreement. 警方表示,苹果公司已与被打方达成了协议,但警方并没有透露协议的细节。
Dongfeng, Peugeot and the French government are still in talks over the exact nature of the financial and industrial agreement. 东风、标致和法国政府仍在就金融和工业协议的实质性内容展开谈判。
I understand and agree that because of the personal nature of this agreement, it may not be transferred or otherwise assigned, except as provided in the Policies and Procedures. 鉴于本协议书的私人特性,本人明白并同意,除机汇政策与程序规则所订外,不会将协议书的权利及义务转让或分配予第三者。
In view of the personal nature of the service to be performed under this Agreement by you, you cannot assign or transfer any of your obligations under this Agreement. 因为本协议中待贵方履行的服务有人身性质,贵方不能转让本协议中贵方的任何义务。
If the license agreement is in the nature of a tenancy agreement with monthly rents, you may submit the stamping application online as other tenancy agreements. 如特许协议属月租租约性质,可如同其他租约那样,在网上递交加盖印花申请。
The nature of the ownership of copyright agreement is related to the client to obtain the copyright, the trustee obligations and the balance of the interests of both sides. 著作权归属约定的性质关系到委托人著作权的取得、受托人义务的履行以及双方利益的平衡。
Agreement on the nature of communication goes hand in hand with agreement on the activity to be shared. 对共同参与某一活动达成协议,连带也对沟通的性质达成协议。
Part three, studies of contractual nature of voting agreement, mainly reviewing some issues including its establishment, entering into force, responsibilities for breaching contract and the impact to the resolution in the perspective of contract law. 第三部分,表决权拘束协议的合同性质问题研究,主要以合同法的视角对拘束协议的成立、生效、违约责任及对公司决议的影响等方面进行审视。
The study on the significance, legal nature of CEPA agreement emergence and its contents is beneficial to the all-round implementation of CEPA agreement. 对CEPA产生的意义、法律性质、以及协议内容的研究,有助于CEPA的全面实施。
The chapter one mainly introduces the concept and classification of TRIMs, the conflict between advantages and disadvantages of TRIMs, the nature, origin, development and prospect of the Agreement, etc. 上篇主要论述了TRIMs的概念和分类、TRIMs利弊之争、协议性质以及协议的产生、晚近发展及其展望等。
On the Nature of Basle Agreement 论《巴塞尔协议》的性质
On the Administrative Nature of Government Licensed Management Agreement agency by agreement comes before corporation management. 政府特许经营协议的行政性委托代理问题是公司法人治理出现的前提条件。
It is the limitation in the nature and legal status of people's mediation system and the nature and the legal effect of people's mediation agreement directly influence the developing prospect of the system. 人民调解制度的性质与法律地位、人民调解协议的性质与效力等局限性直接影响了我国人民调解制度的发展前景。
S: The nature of the CEPA is an agreement on regional arrangement, which is the precondition to understand and implement the CEPA rightly. CEPA在性质上属于区域性安排协议,这是正确认识和实施CEPA的前提。
This paper studies the nature, characteristics of the Agreement on TRIMs, its Influence on Interna-tional Investment Law and the Chinese Foreign Investment Law. 该文在分析协议性质、特点的基础上,就协议对国际投资法的影响进行分析,并对协议与我国外资法的协调问题进行了有建设意义的探讨。
The legal nature of employment agreement belongs to civil and commercial law while labor contract is a branch of social labor law. 就业协议的法律性质属于民事合同。
The nature of the divorce agreement is a civil contract, but compared to an ordinary civil contracts but also has ethical. 离婚诉前协议本质是一种民事契约,但与普通的民事契约相比较又具有浓厚的伦理性。
Theoretical researches on travel contract are also insufficient. Thence there is no powerful theoretic support got the legislation. For some basic issues, such as the concept and nature of travel contract have not reached common agreement in theoretical circle and legislation department. 理论上对旅游合同的研究准备不足,尚未为立法提供有力的理论支持,一些基本问题,诸如旅游合同的概念、性质尚未在理论界与立法部门形成共识。
The second part discusses the legal nature of interest and visit agreement. 第二部分探讨息访协议的法律性质。
The fifth chapter is according to the nature of divorce agreement; the author puts forward three legislation suggestions. 第五章是根据前面对诉前离婚协议的性质和效力的分析,提出三点立法上的建议。
This part first analyzes the nature of the labor dispute mediation agreement and the effectiveness of existing. And reached conclusions that the nature of the mediation agreement of labor dispute is unclear, the legal effect is not high. 本部分首先对劳动争议调解协议的性质、效力存在的争议进行分析,并得出现在我国劳动争议调解协议性质不清,法律效力不高的结论。
The nature of the loyal agreement of husband and wife is a kind of freedom of contract which will not endanger the freedom of marriage. If the freedom of contract of one marriage party damages to the other one, the law will be adjust it. 夫妻忠实协议本质是一种契约自由,其并不会危害婚姻自由,如果婚姻当事人的契约自由危害到一方的离婚自由,法律可以对婚姻当事人的协议进行调整。
However, due to the special nature of fishery resources, the SCM agreement cannot regulate fishery subsidies very well. 但由于渔业这种资源的特殊性,SCM协议显然不能很好地对渔业补贴进行规范。
In respect of judgment of legality of provisions contained in articles of association, this chapter argues that, considering the nature of articles of association as long-term agreement, voluntary rules shall not be completely eliminated from the articles of association. 对于公司章程条款合法性的判断,本章指出因为章程具有长期合同的性质,并非所有的任意性规则都可以在章程中完全排除,因此对非上市公司的章程条款,应当从严掌握。
Suit the remedy to the case. First, the nature of the employment agreement needs to have a clear positioning. 对症下药,首先需要对就业协议的性质有明确的定位。
Adjusted based on the law, we redefine the nature and effect of the loyal agreement of husband and wife from the perspective of civil legal acts and anonymous in the "Contract Law". 立足于法律调整的角度,从民事法律行为及《合同法》中无名合同的角度,重新明确了夫妻忠实协议的性质和效力。
However, related articles, mostly in the nature of the settlement agreement on mediation, arbitration, mediation and litigation; hope that by strengthening the effectiveness of the conciliation agreement, even gave enforcement powers to improve execution. 然而,论述的文章大多在和解协议的性质、仲裁调解和诉调衔接上,希望通过加强和解协议的效力,甚至是赋予强制执行力来提高执行力。